Frankie Forklift and Friends is a children’s book that revolves around the main character Frankie – This is a series of books that will use the material handling industry as its inspiration for storylines and characters - Each book will tell a story about Frankie’s adventures in a warehouse and will introduce additional characters along the way.
All the characters come from Frank Clark’s 25 years experience in the Forklift truck/material handling industry. His inspiration though, came from his four and half year-old twin boys. At night before they would go to bed, Frank would make up different stories. One of those stories had to do with Frankie Forklift. On the weekend, Frank would sometimes bring them up to the warehouse where there were lots of forklifts and they would point at one and call it Frankie...One night, one of his boys asked if he could read them a book about Frankie. Frankie Forklift and Friends was born.
Frankie’s First Day at Work is about Frankie going to work on his first day and about how excited he is to work with his new friend Tony. He meets a friend from warehouse school, Petee Pallet and is also introduced to a new friend named Sally Shrinkwrapper. There are several indirect lessons taught such as, brush your teeth, pick up your toys, to direct lessons taught like “When you try to finish your work too fast, you make mistakes. Slow down and do it right the first time” and “always ask your friends for help”.
The Second book of Frankie Forklift and Friends is called Frankie Unloads His First Truck and will focus on Frankie being afraid of the dark and also trying new things.
It is our goal to introduce the material handling industry to kids while using these unique characters like Frankie Forklift to teach simple life lessons.
Frankie Forklift and Friends may be purchased at - $13.95
Free Downloadable Coloring Pages for Kids are also available. 24 Pages of Artwork and Storyline
Publisher – Wimmer Books, Memphis TN – Copyright 2015
Limited Copies Available – 2nd Printing available January 24th.