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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Well-Written Autobiography (from

AutoBiography Format  (from


1. Title .Write your title or your prospective title in underlined bold font across the top of your word processing document. Remember that you can come back and refine or change your title at any time, the perfect title will probably only surface at the end of the writing  process.

2. Dedication. You might have already decided who you would like to dedicate your work to before you start. Someone who has inspired you to become who you are today, maybe someone who has encouraged you to take the initiative or simply a special person that you would like to mention who has made a significant impact on your life. It is best to leave the dedication until last as working through your autobiography will trigger many memories; you can include a dedication to more than one person.

3. Table of Contents. Finished writing? Compile your table of contents and index.

4. Acknowledgements. This is the place to thank everyone who has helped you compile your autobiography from start to finish. Keep a simple list as you work through the various chapters so that you don’t forget to mention anyone. Come back and wrap it up when you are finished to show your gratitude and appreciation in a few carefully crafted words.

5. Foreword. The foreword is the place to jot down your reasons for writing the autobiography; what you hope to achieve from it and what you hope others will benefit by reading it. It is a good idea to write down some brief thoughts in this section before you start to help keep you focused throughout the writing process.

6. Introduction. Your introduction needs to grab attention, create interest and keep them  reading.

7. Body. Create a series of chronological headings and sub headings in your autobiography outline. Write the autobiography based on locations if you have been stationed at many different places throughout your life. Write about one specific event that has been the turning point in your life. Use other common threads to link your body together in an interesting fashion. Include one or two relevant subheadings under each point. Expand your list with all the relevant material you can remember under each section, include names, dates, experiences etc.

8. Conclusion. Your final thoughts. Look back on your completed works, think about what you have learnt from the experience and how it has molded and shaped you. Tie it together in an interesting fashion to provide the perfect ending.

9. Memorabilia. To round off a perfect autobiography and highlight special moments include some memorabilia such as pictures of family heirlooms, medals, letters, photos etc. that  capture special moments. Snippets of memorabilia can also be spread throughout the book  to add some colour and interest.

10. Index. Finished writing? Compile your table of contents and index.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pen It! Magazine Fall Issue

As I near completion of the September/October Issue of Pen It! Magazine, I am looking for submissions from you, readers.  I'd like to have some poetry, short stories, articles, etc.  The theme, of course, is Fall or Halloween. 

This issue's Featured Author is Emma Shade.  Emma has five published books and has been a featured author at many local events. 

Here is a great poem from Deb Bowden of Nashville, Indiana:


By Deb Bowden

Fall’s coming soon;

I tasted it today.

Sign in Libra,

October’s ways.

Magic and mystery

Steeped in with age.

Child’s world, old stage,

All joined in play.

Pumpkins all growed;

Harvest time set.

Crisp smell of apples,

Bobbin’ and wet.

Loved to be warmed;

Tummies all fed.

Soon to be nighttime,

Ghost stories in bed.